Friday, February 12, 2010

The Paradoxical God

Within the context and boundaries of our reasoning, the concept of an omni-god is laden with paradoxes. To accept it fully, we rely on 'faith'. But the paradoxes are so fundamental that it's not merely faith that is required, but absolute faith. But what is absolute faith? It's the total abandonment of reasoning. But with the total absence of reasoning, anything can be god - the choosing of which now becomes arbitrary. Also, the acceptance of any god is then by forsaking the existence of self - if self is defined through at least a presence of conscious reasoning. So if you don't exist per se, how could you claim that it is YOU who accepts the god?

So there's the dilemma. To accept an omni-god, you must abandon reasoning and hence forsaking your existence. By then, anything can be god and you are NOT you anymore.

God, help me.

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